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Arena: Huntington Center
Date: Saturday, February 22, 2025
Game Time: 3:30-5:00pm (EST)
Cost: $90 (includes 1 ticket)

The Phantoms will finally head to Toledo and the Huntington Center for a Black vs. Yellow game on February 22, 2025 from 3:30-5:00pm. Cost will be $90 to skate in the game AND receive one ticket to that evenings Toledo Walleye game.  Doors open at 2:30pm, skate from 3:30-5:00pm.  Additional tickets will be available for the Walleye game for $20 each.
Arena: Trinity Health Arena
Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Game Time: 1:00-2:30pm (EST)
Cost: $60 (includes 1 ticket)


The Phantoms will return to Muskegon's Trinity Health Arena  on March 22, 2025 for a BvsY scrimmage from 1:00pm-2:30pm Eastern Time.  Cost will be $60 to skate in the game AND receive one ticket to that evenings Muskegon Lumberjacks game.   Doors open at Noon Eastern, skate from 1:00-2:30pm.  Additional tickets will be $13 each.  **Note that there is NO 'Meal Deal' offered this year due to changes with the Lumberjacks.
Terms & Conditions: By agreeing to the terms & conditions, you understand that payment is required by the posted deadline.  Failure to submit payment, could result in you being replaced for this game.  Additionally, in the event that the player cancels after the payment deadline and submitting payment, the team and venue can not guarantee a full or partial refund.  Attempts will be made to have additional players on a wait list fill the player's spot, but in the nature of the sports & entertainment business, payment to the venues on behalf of our team is generally required in advance of the Phantom scrimmage.  Cost for additional tickets and skater fees go to cover venue expenses, referee expenses, photographer expenses and team expenses for these games. The Phantoms, including organizer Kevin Wootton, can not be expected to refund player fees or ticket costs in the event a player cancels from these team events. 

Back in 2016, the Phantoms started our 'Black vs. Gray' game series as a way to experience skating at rinks other than our normal men's league rinks.  With so much interest from players wanting to play in our first game at Joe Louis Arena, the series was born.  We basically take those players signing up and split them into two teams (either Team Black, Team Gray or Team Yellow) based on a player draft.  Captains are chosen to participate in a draft a couple weeks before the game to decide teams.  The draft system, combined with a player ranking system, are used to help ensure both teams are as balanced as possible.  Jerseys and socks are provided to each side to run the games as professionally as possible.  (Jersey/Socks requested back at end of game). These games are fun, yet competitive and allow our teammates to not only play on some special rinks but allow them the chance to play against their normal Phantom, Locomotive and Zombie teammates.  The Black vs. Gray games are open to everyone, current teammates or non-teammates.

What are Black vs. Gray Games:

Cost to play and payment:

The cost to play varies on the location.  Some of the rinks that the Black vs. Gray games take place at have another hockey game that evening after our game (such as a Muskegon Lumberjack or Detroit Red Wings game, some due not).  Cost is provided for those players to just skate in our Black vs. Gray game and those looking to attend the evening game (Lumberjacks/Red Wings) if there is one.  Money is normally due for either of these options a few weeks before, which secures your spot and then allows the player draft to take place.  Money is turned into Kevin Wootton via CashApp, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle or Credit Card.  Click the link in the green section to submit payment or CLICK HERE

Previous games: Players vs. Goalies and final scores: REVIOUS GAMES: PLAYERS VS. GOALIES AND FINAL SCORES

Click PDF icon to see list of everyone who has played in a BvsG game and which goalie they played with.  Game results also posted up top of spreadsheet.


We get it, you want to play with your buds!  Well, click the link below to see if they are playing?  If they are not, get them to sign up too!


We accept CashApp, Paypal, Venmo, Zelle and Credit Card.  Click link below to be directed to our payment page.

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